Neulog galvanic skin response sensor specs
Neulog galvanic skin response sensor specs

neulog galvanic skin response sensor specs

The Germin chest strap heart monitor seems to be the solid choice for this project, with additional recommendations from users such as RIZKNOWS (2015). Other website such as (2016) have reinforced this claim by doing similar tests. The general consensus is that the chest strap is more faithful compared to most branded wrist bands/watch in terms of measurements of the human heart rate. The Germin chest strap used remained consist throughout the test. The test results revealed that all wristbands/watches were inaccurate and “way off” whereas the in-build monitor from Samsung Galaxy S5 were the closest to the EKG machine. Zaroff explains that the Germin chest straps have EKG leads which has electrical sensing technology, the same technology an EKG machine uses so therefore, it should in theory, “work very well”, whereas the wristbands use optical sensors this means it measures the blood flow and not the electrical activities within the human’s heart and the fact that it is not near to the source of measurement. He then placed a Garmin chest strap heart rate monitor to simultaneously test alongside the branded wristbands during the tests. Jon Zaroff, a cardiologist at Kasier Permanente medical centre in San Francisco had placed electrical sensor pads from EKG machine as the official reading. Sharon Profis (2014) from have investigated into the very nature of this question and had put a five branded smart devices (4 wristbands/watch and a Samsung phone with an in-build monitor) on test runs – quite literally on a treadmill. But which of the two is more reliable in terms of accuracy? And on a student budget? To measure user’s heart rate as accurate as possible, a measuring apparatus like a wrist band/Fitbit or a chest strap is needed for the soundscape phase. The heart rate variability (HRV) is a physiological marker of how human experience and regulate emotions (Aldao 2014), and in this case, measurements of the emotional response of fear. This practice of measurement of this nature has been established for many years and it is something all human experience when the flight-or-fight mode is triggered increased heart rate, shallower breathing, etc. Measurements of fear can be analysed on a scientific level by the means of an individual’s heart rate. Lauen (2014) Galvanic Skin Response & Heart Rate Monitor (future purchase) Heart Rate Monitor The use of the aforementioned sound design techniques will be implemented in my soundscape so therefore these headphones will be ideally suited for this particular project.

neulog galvanic skin response sensor specs

The lower bass frequency will mean these headphones will respond well with low pitched sounds like animal growl or infrasound whilst equally responsive response in the treble frequencies, as a result, would mean better quality of sounds in the nonlinear spectrum. The frequency response table of the Beyerdynamic DT 770 below, shows that it has a very good bass and treble frequency response.

neulog galvanic skin response sensor specs

Paranormal Activity and Irreversible are movies that have famously used infrasound to intend this very effect within the audiences. Infrasound is known to be at a range of anything below 20 Hz. This is simply because I will be implementing infrasound within my soundscape and it is well-known audio technique to induce anxiety.

neulog galvanic skin response sensor specs

The deciding factor for these headphones will the bass frequencies response within the frequency spectrum, as I will need a pair of headphones that can respond to frequencies any below 20 Hz. The frequencies response is always the main priority when one is purchasing a decent pair of headphones – let alone for a specific research project such as this. Needless to say, I needed to investigate into why this is the best suited for the job. The Beyerdynamic DT 770 has been recommended to me by my old college’s technician as it will be best suited for this research project. The following list of equipment and apparatuses are needed to carry out and to also measure the effectiveness of the fear inducing soundscape. The soundscape phase will be conducted within the Hive facility in Abertay university.

Neulog galvanic skin response sensor specs